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时间:2015年10月16日 | 作者 : admin | 分类 : 全部文章 | 浏览: 443次

中俄研制出高超声速武器,李宇菲普京称其无敌素诗汇 ,美国只能干瞪眼……-世界播
Russia's 'invincible' hypersonic weapon that can strike anywhere in the world in MINUTES will be ready for war by 2020
Russia's hypersonic glide vehicle weapon that can strike anywhere in the world within minutes will be ready by 2020.
That's according to anonymous sources who claim they have access to US intelligence about the vehicle, dubbed Avangard.
Avangard, which the US is currently unable to defend against慎出装 , can allegedly travel at 20 times the speed of sound.
Russia successfully tested Avangard twice in 2016, the sources claim.
A third test in October 2017 failed when the platform crashed seconds before hitting its target, they said.
But Moscow, which has been developing the weapon for three decades, remains on track to get ready for war in the next two years.
但是,莫斯科已经开发了三十年的武器,在接下来的两年里五毒菜 ,它仍会为战争做好准备。
The news comes just months after Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed his expanding hypersonic arsenal was 'invincible.'
消息出现的几个月前,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京曾声称他发展的高超声速武器是“无敌的”中电36所 。

a computer simulation of the glider vehicle Avangard
The Avangard glide vehicle is designed to sit atop of an intercontinental ballistic missile.
Once launched晓风之舞 , it uses aerodynamics to sail on top of the atmosphere.
It is capable of making sharp twists and turns on its way to targets, making it ‘absolutely invulnerable to any missile defence system’.
它能够急转弯并朝向目标方向阿瓦尔古丽 ,这使得它面对任何导弹防御系统都是无懈可击的。
Speaking to CNBC, the sources claim one intelligence report noted that during tests Avangard glide vehicles were mounted to Russian-made SS-19 intercontinental ballistic missiles.
One of the trial gliders featured a mock warhead, though it is still unknown if the weapons will carry explosives when they enter service.
The Russians are planning to conduct a fourth test sometime this summer.
'These kinds of boost glide vehicles attack the gaps in our missile defence system,' Thomas Karako孟祥星 , director of the Missile Defence Project at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies, told CNBC.
美国战略与国际研究中心导弹防御项目主任Thomas Karako告诉CNBC,“这种助推滑翔飞行器打破了我们导弹防御系统的鸿沟。”

It shows how the glider could manoeuvre at high speed to bypass missile defences en route to its target.

Russian President Vladimir Putin claimed his expanding hypersonic arsenal was 'invincible'
'There's no time like the present to modify our current missile defence posture,' Mr Karako added, saying it was 'unfortunate that we have let Russia come this far.'
Putin described his hypersonic arsenal as 'invincible' during a state-of-the-nation address in March.
He claimed the Avangard would fly to targets at a speed 20 times the speed of sound and strike 'like a meteorite, like a fireball.'
他声称Avangard飞行器会以20倍声速的速度飞向目标陈惠儿 ,并像陨石、像火球一样去撞击。
Standing in front of a large projection of computer generated missiles and simulated strikes on American soil, the former KGB agent said the hypersonic glider had already entered serial production.

the Sarmat missile
'I want to tell all those who have fuelled the arms race over the last 15 years, sought to win unilateral advantages over Russia, introduced unlawful sanctions aimed to contain our country's development: You have failed to contain Russia偷情画室,' Putin said.
普京说,“我想告诉所有在过去15年里推动军备竞赛,试图赢得对俄罗斯的单边优势,实施旨在遏制我国发展的非法制裁的那些人:你们没能牵制住俄国薄其芳 。”
America's top nuclear commander said US forces are unable to defend against a hypersonic weapon during a speech in March.
'We don't have any defence that could deny the employment of such a weapon against us,' Air Force General John Hyten, commander of US Strategic Command, told lawmakers at the Senate Armed Services Committee.
美国战略司令部空军总司令John Hyten告诉参议院军事委员会的议员们,“我们没有任何防御手段可以抵御这种对付我们的武器。”
'Both Russia and China are aggressively pursuing hypersonic capabilities,' he said, adding that the US had 'watched them test those capabilities.'
“俄罗斯和中国正在积极推进高超音速能力,而美国只能看着他们测试这些技术能力。”他补充道极道女天师 。



