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时间:2018年01月26日 | 作者 : admin | 分类 : 全部文章 | 浏览: 649次


On 17th and 18th of June 2017, 150 venerable Buddhist masters and academic scholars from China, Canada, and the US gathered in Toronto for the 1st China-Canada-US Buddhist forum. In two days, we focused on the theme of “Perfecting the Middle Way & Enduring Peace” and discussed extensively on the topics of “The faith in Bodhisattva and humanistic life”, “The Spirit of Bodhisattva and world peace”, and “Buddhist culture and dialogue among civilizations”. We have accomplished many achievements by exchanging ideas, expressing concerns望江二中 , and building consensus.
多伦多,意即会聚之地。多种文明、多元文化、多元宗教会聚成丰富多彩的世界,不同肤色、不同国籍、不同信仰的人们联结成休戚与共的命运共同体桐庐房产网 。随着世界多极化、经济全球化、社会信息化、文化多样化进程加快,东方与西方的相遇、相知,越来越频繁深广。佛教是东方文明的代表之一,源于佛陀的伟大觉悟,根植于众生心中的清净佛性。佛教兴盛于东方,渐传于西方,蔚然成为全球性的智慧宗教。
The name of this city “Toronto” is from a Huron word meaning “meeting place”. This colorful world is composed of multiple civilizations, multiple cultures and multiple religions. People with various colors,彭程程 various nationalities, and various faiths combine and make a community with a shared future. As the world multipolarization都市葫芦仙 , economic globalization优居客 , social informatization and cultural diversification are speeding up, the meeting and communication of the eastern and western world will become more and more frequently and deeply. Buddhism切肤欲谋 , as a representative of eastern civilizations, can be traced back to the great enlightenment of the Buddha. It is rooted in the pure Buddha nature of all sentient beings. Buddhism flourished in the eastern world and was transmitted to the western world. Now it is a magnificent religion that delivers wisdom to the entire world .
我们,同一佛缘,同一法缘茶杯猪 ,同宗同源,才有相聚的胜缘。昔日先辈筚路蓝缕,肇启佛法传入西方的契机;今天,我们继承先贤开创的弘法事业,携手并肩,同愿同行,共同谱写佛法弘传的新篇章,惟愿慧灯高悬于人间石蝉草 ,正法昌明于世界!
We have this remarkable and outstanding chance to gather here because we admire/worship the same Buddha, learn the same teachings, and share the same origin and religious lineage. In the past, the pioneers endure great hardships in initiating the propagation of Buddhism in the western world. At the present, we inherit the propagating career that was started by our predecessors. Let’s work together with the same purpose to compose a new epic in propagating Buddhism. All I wish is that the light of wisdom shine the sentient beings and the right dharmas light up the world.
我们愿共同弘扬佛教圆融精神,阐扬诸佛菩萨悲智愿行,继承祖师大德不畏艰难的弘法精神,让佛法圆融于西方文明棋定今生 ,让人类文明更加绚烂多彩。倡导佛教平等、宽容的精神,推动佛教文明与其他文明的对话英里塔 ,促进不同文明、宗教、种族求同存异、开放包容,互学互鉴,加深彼此了解与互相尊重,为建设人类命运共同体发挥积极作用。
We vow that we will propagate Buddhist spirit of perfection, illustrate the four immeasurables of the buddhas and bodhisattvas. We will inherit the diligent spirit and fears no hardship in propagating Buddhism. We aim to integrate Buddhism with western culture and make the world more rich and colorful. We will propagate the Buddhist spirit of equality and tolerance. We will promote the dialogue between Buddhism and other traditions. We encourage the various cultures,什么是假性近视 religions and races to seek common points while reserving difference, to be open and tolerant, to learn from each other. We hope to enhance the understanding and respect between different civilizations. We wish to take an active role in building the community with a shared future.
我们愿共同弘扬佛教的中道精神,加强佛教教义的现代诠释,促进佛教与现代科技文明的交融互鉴,积极回应现代社会问题,推动中、加、美三国佛教在公益慈善、环境保护、文化艺术等领域的交流与合作;提倡相依共生、合作共存,化解矛盾冲突鼎益丰 ,维护世界持久和平。
We vow that we will propagate the Buddhist spirit of middle-way, promoting the modern interpretations of Buddhist doctrines. We aim to enhance the integration and communication between Buddhism and modern scientific culture, to respond to the problems of modern society from the perspective of Buddhism. We will promote the communication and collaboration among China, Canada and the US in the areas such as public charities, environmental protection赶尸客栈 , culture and art. We encourage the dependence and collaboration among civilizations. We will make efforts in resolving conflicts and making enduring world peace.
We are calling on the Buddhists in China, Canada and the US to maintain the perfecting wisdom of middle-way, to inherit the great vows of our eminent predecessors, to gather the upward strength of seeking for goodness, to propagate the spirit of four immeasurables, to encourage the various civilizations to communicate and learn from each other, to promote the equal collaboration of different countries in this world, to make efforts for the permanent world peace.

