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时间:2020年05月31日 | 作者 : admin | 分类 : 全部文章 | 浏览: 664次


年薪三十万可以华印医疗 ,但是你英语好吗郭新双 ?关注公众号,开始学习吧!

Twenty-one volunteers took an identical course of antibiotics and were then assigned to one of three groups.
The microbiome of the first group was allowed to recover by itself, whereas the second group was given probiotics.
第一组的方法是自动恢复蓝剑突击队 ,但是第二组是服用益生菌。
The third group was treated with a dose of their own original pre-antibiotic microbiome by afaecal microbiota transplant(FMT).
a dose of一剂(药);
Probiotic bacteria readily colonised the gut of everyone in the second group after antibiotics had cleared the way.
抗生素清除肠胃后豆腐树 ,益生菌轻而易举地侵占了每个人的肠胃。
Readily乐意地; 快捷地; 轻而易举地;
[例句]I asked her if she would allow me to interview her, and shereadilyagreed
However, the researchers were surprised to find that this prevented the return of the person’s normal microbiome for up to six months.
然而,研究者们惊奇地发现马俊仁现状 ,这种方法可以使人的肠胃长达六个月不在正常状态。
“The probiotics very potently and persistently prevented the original microbiome returning to its original situation,” says Elinav. “This was very surprising and alarming to us. This adverse effect has not been described to date.”
Adverse不利的; 有害的; 逆的; 相反的;
[例句]The police said Mr Hadfield's decision would have noadverseeffect on the progress of theinvestigation
警方称哈德菲尔德先生的决定将不会对调查的进展造成不利影响民国总统 。
This is What's Trending Today.
The eastern part of the United States, from Tennessee all the way to Boston, is expected to receive some bad winter weather this weekend.
The morning program Today Show says 88 million people could be affected by the storm. It will deliver snow and high winds through Sunday.
But people in Washington码上淘 ,付嵩洋 D.C. are especially concerned. The region is expected to receive over 60 centimeters of snow this weekend. Only 3 centimeters of snow fell earlier in the week, but it was enough to cause major problems for drivers going home from work.
In Philadelphia, residents traditionally use everything, from lawn chairs to orange cones香榧怎么吃 , to “save” parking spaces after the streets are cleared of snow. The city police department used Twitter to send them a message that it is illegal to “save” parking spaces.
Many people rush to grocery stores to buy supplies before a storm. The Atlantic wrote about the crowd psychology that inspires people to stock up on bread, milk and eggs.
Even the BBC asked its audience to tell people who live in the eastern United States how to handle a big snow storm. And the broadcaster wrote a story saying it wants to hear from people in the U.S. as the snow is falling.
As public transportation is closed for the weekend, drivers are also advised to stay off the roads.
Yes, there are lots of problems during a massive snowstorm. But people also like to have fun in the snow.
Here are some great examples of how snow can inspire creativity.
One artist uses the snow as his canvas弥光法师, using his feet to stomp out amazing designs that can only be appreciated from above.
Another creative person used the snow that blew up against mailboxes to make some “ghostly” images.
But it would not be a snow storm on social media if some regions known for sunny weather did not poke fun at the suffering Americans are about to endure. An Italian travel agency posted a photo of woman sunbathing in the town of Vernazza, along with the message “stay warm.”
And that's What's Trending Today.
I'm Dan Friedell.
Dan Friedell wrote this story for Learning English. Hai Do was the editor.
What would you do in a big snow storm? We want to hear from you. Write to us in the Comments Section or on our Facebook page.
Words in This Story
amazing – adj. causing great surprise or wonder : causing amazement
cone – n. a shape that has a pointed top and sides that form a circle at the bottom
endure – v. to deal with or accept (something unpleasant)
ghost – n. the soul of a dead person thought of as living in an unseen world or as appearing to living people
inspire – v. to make (someone) want to do something : to give (someone) an idea about what to do or create
sunbathe – v. to sit or lie in the light of the sun especially in order to make your skin darker
stomp – v. to put (your foot) down forcefully and noisily
psychology – n. the study of human behavior
region - n. area
canvas - n. a specially prepared piece of cloth on which a picture can be painted
“The right way is not always the popular and easy way. Standing for right when it is unpopular is a true test of moral character.”
– Margaret Chase Smith, Politician
3极道兵器 ,信达雅是翻译的唯一标准
4好听的佛歌 ,翻译答案获得点赞数量最多的会员有红包噢
“It’s not the load that breaks you down一等弃妃 , it’s the way you carry it.”
– Lena Horne, Singer
「让你垮掉的不是你的负荷,而是你背它的方式帝皇剑印 。」– 莲纳·荷恩 (歌手)
莲纳·荷恩 (1917-2010) 是美国歌手、演员和舞蹈员,凭借出众歌艺在 1940 年代成名鬼吹灯外传 ,成为第一代好莱坞黑人女星,并在 1960 年代成为美国民权运动的代表人物之一,支持废除种族隔离制度。
关注公众号鹤顶红金鱼 ,天天学英语

